Like Electro Bolt, this Plasmid is essential for progressing through the game as it lets you melt frozen doors. For longer lasting shock treatment you should definitely purchase Electro Blot 2 (120 Adam) from Gatherer's Garden machines in Arcadia, and Electro Bolt 3 (150 Adam) from machines in Olympus Heights. You'll grab the standard Electro Bolt right at the beginning of the game, by the Gatherer's Garden machine at the top of the stairs.
Dedicate a slot to this Plasmid and upgrade as and when you can. Electro Bolt is also vital for frazzling security devices and opening dodgy doors. And it's a nice surprise for enemies stupid enough to stand in water. Use it to stun Splicers, stopping them in their tracks so you can attack them with a good old fashioned weapon. Plasmids Electro BoltĮasily the most useful Plasmid power in the game. In addition, some Tonics hidden in the wild can later be purchased from Gatherer's Garden machines for a small amount of Adam, so don't worry if you miss them first time round. Note: For Plasmids and Gene Tonics available from Gatherer's Garden machines, only the location where you can first buy them is listed, yet they'll be available from every machine from that point on. If not, be warned - there be big spoilers ahead. If so then this guide to every Plasmids and Gene Tonic in the game - where to find them and what they do - was written with your good self in mind. If you were one of the thousands who heeded Kristan's wise words and bought a copy of BioShock on release, rocketing the game to the top of the all-format charts in the process, then you've probably already experienced the wonders of Rapture and are currently playing through again on a higher difficulty.