Requiring more money, the three agreed to a plan later known as the "t-Virus Project", where they would independently develop strains of Progenitor to sell to the US military as a weapon. Requiring significant funding beyond their aristocratic links to bring about their eugenics dream, Spencer formed Umbrella Pharmaceuticals on behalf of Ashford and an indifferent Marcus and established a base in the Ndipaya garden so Progenitor samples could be transported over the Atlantic instead. However, flowers cultivated in the United States failed to replicate the virus. In a trip to the Ndipaya tribal lands, the fabled flower was discovered in an underground garden and a virus discovered within it. Marcus developed a hypothesis that a mythical West African flower known as Stairway of the Sun bestowed powers to its consumers by a mutagenic viral infection. Umbrella's immediate pre-history truly begins in 1966, when Dr. All were virologists with some associations with the eugenics movement either themselves or by association to another prominent figure. James Marcus, who were university classmates, with further early work from Marcus' protégé, Brandon Bailey the 16th Earl Beardsley and his daughter, Mylène and France's House of Henry, of which Christine and her father belonged. Edward Ashford, 5th Earl Ashford, and Dr. Its three most prominent founding members were Dr. The origins of the Umbrella Corporation lie with the eugenics movements that dominated Europe and North American debate in the early 20th century. History of Umbrella Beginnings (1960s-1980s) The verdict bankrupted Umbrella, causing them and their subsidiaries to close down over the next year with a large enough stigma present that some were not purchased by rivals. The Umbrella Corporation collapsed in 2003 following Umbrella USA's loss at the Raccoon Trials, which found the corporation liable for compensation in the 1998 Raccoon City Destruction Incident. This project was not realized, with the loss of all but two candidates by 1998 and their later deaths. This project was to birth a new race of virally-enhanced and well-educated superhumans who would advance human civilization for generations to come with Umbrella's founders ruling through them as gods. This fact was only known to corporate executives who shared the belief that their principle objective was the funding of the Wesker Project. Umbrella's true goal was not, in fact, a capitalistic urge for monopolization of a lucrative industry. Their tourism firm, the Paraguas Line Company, earned revenue from transporting passengers across the Atlantic as a front for the transporting viral weapon samples from West Africa. Umbrella had a number of other subsidiaries that included Umbrella Medical Equipment, as well as Umbrella Industries which was responsible for the development of anti- B.O.W. Umbrella Pharmaceuticals was able to cover their true intentions by researching vaccines for the same viruses as a front. Soon after the opening of its pharmaceutical subsidiary, Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, Umbrella began developing biological weaponry for militaries across the world as part of a worldwide conspiracy to accumulate deadly viruses directly prohibited by the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. Umbrella's large array of subsidiaries was typical for large-scale corporations, though it was purposely built to cover up illegal activities. Umbrella had influence in the production and sale of cosmetics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, industrial machine production, consumer products, health foods, the transportation industry and tourism.

The Umbrella Corporation was a multinational conglomerate with subsidiaries active in a variety of industries from the 1980s to the early 2000s.

For private military company, see Blue Umbrella. For other uses of the name "Umbrella", see Umbrella (disambiguation).